We’ve put together some commonly asked questions that our customers often have before they purchase our meat online.
If you can’t find the answer you’re looking for please don’t hesitate to give our service team a call on 01633 877777 or e-mail sales@douglaswillis.co.uk. We’re available Monday to Friday from 8.00am – 4.00pm to answer any queries you may have.
How much will my fresh meat delivery cost?
Our meat delivery is £5.95 on all orders under £70 and free for orders over this.
When will I get my fresh meat delivery?
See our delivery section for full details.
How will my order be packed?
All meat is cut fresh to order and each item is securely sealed and vacuum-packed, and delivered in temperature controlled cool-boxes.
Is it safe to send meat through the post?
Definitely. Our packaging uses a temperature-controlled cooling system so your meat delivery is kept below 5°C from the time it is cut and prepared until it is delivered to you.
What happens if my meat does not arrive?
If your order does not arrive on time please contact our service team on 01633 877777 or e-mail sales@douglaswillis.co.uk weekdays from 8.00am-4.00pm and we’ll do our best to assist you.
What is the shelf-life of Douglas Willis’ meat?
The minimum shelf-life of ALL our fresh beef, lamb and pork is 6 days. Fresh poultry has a shelf-life of 4 days. Use by dates will be indicated on the products.
What if I am not happy with my meat?
If for any reason you feel the quality of our fresh meat is not up to the standard you expect we will offer a full refund or replacement. Please refer to the guarantee section of our website which details our promise to you when purchasing our meat online.
I’m not sure what cut I want. Can you help?
Absolutely. Our friendly service team can assist you with any special cuts you require that you may not find listed on our website. You can get in touch on 01633 877777 or by emailing sales@douglaswillis.co.uk.
Where can I find cooking advice?
We’ve prepared some further details on how best to cook our fresh meat. Just visit the Chefs recipes section.
Do you have retail shops I can visit?
Yes. We have two retail shops located just down the road from our farms in Cwmbran, South Wales. With an extensive range of the freshest meat we have we would love you to come along and visit. You can find us here.